The Abomination of Desolation: Matthew 24

end times podcast

Have you heard of the "abomination of desolation" in Matthew 24? Maybe you've been taught that this will happen 3.5 years in the "7 year tribulation". 

On today's episode, author David Wilcoxson joins me as we take a deep dive into Matthew 24 [The Olivet Discourse] and break down the prophecy fulfillment of Jesus' words. 

David is the author of Revelation Timeline Decoded, The 70th Week of Daniel Decoded, and The Olivet Discourse Decoded. David's ministry focuses on teaching Bible prophecy to expose the enemy’s prophecy fulfillment deceptions.To learn more about David and his ministry visit:

Listen to the full audio episode → here 

To listen to the previous episode with David (ep 71) click here.


Join us at the 2023 Rooted Conference in Phoenix, AZ on November 3 + 4. Learn more at: 


Watch the video here ↓



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