It Really is all About the Journey

freedom in christ lifestyle


I spent most of my early life living for the destination. I kept my eyes on my long-term goals and plans for my life, seemingly forgetting that I wouldn’t get there overnight. It was completing something and then checking it off a list that brought me joy. In fact, I didn’t like the process of anything, it was merely a means to an end, and I see now what a huge mistake that truly was. I missed so much and was deceived in thinking that some end result would bring happiness or fulfillment. I was always waiting, never in my moment because as you may already know, there really aren’t that many “destinations” in life, but rather, a long, winding, beautiful road full of peaks and valleys, surprises, and treasured moments.

It was in my thirties that this “hating the journey” perspective finally shifted. And as most things that stop us in our tracks and make us willing to rethink, readjust, and reconsider how we’ve always done life, it took a crisis. A crisis that was brought into my life by someone else's actions. I was not in control, and there was nothing I could do but watch as my life radically changed, leaving me in a place of having to completely start over. To say the least, this was not ideal for a “destination” gal. It was then that the Lord untangled some lies and deceptions that I had believed about life, about who He is, and about what really is the point of everything. 

God Delights in You

The most astonishing realization was that God actually loves watching us walk out our road here on this earth. Did you know that? Did you know that you, just journeying through your life, delights your Heavenly Father? That’s why Psalm 37:23-24 has become one of my favorite verses.

The steps of a man are established by the LORD, and He delights in his way. When he falls, he will not be hurled down, because the Lord is the One who holds his hand. (NASB)

The steps that are being established here, is the Hebrew word mitsad (Strongs H4703), and it speaks to steps of companionship, following, being in his train, or at his heels in regards to the course of our lives. Very clearly telling us that our steps are not walked alone and were never intended to be.

We are then told that the course of our lives is established by the Lord. The word “established” is the Hebrew word kun (Strongs H3559), and it means to be “firm, reliable, arranged, correct, put right, set, ordained.” Isn’t that so amazing and reassuring?! The course of your life is firm and reliable because it is ordained by your loving Heavenly Father. 

We even find this reiterated in Proverbs 20:24 where it tells us,A man’s steps are ordained by the LORD

And as if that isn’t all amazing enough, Psalm 37 goes on to tell us that the Lord God Almighty, our King, our Redeemer, “delights in his way.” To better understand this we need to look at two words; “delights” and “way”.

The word “delights” is chaphets (Strongs H2654), and it means “to take pleasure in.” The word “way” is derek (Strongs H1870), and it means “road, distance, pathway, or journey.” That’s right, God takes great joy and pleasure in watching you walk out the journey He has prepared for you. 

You Are Not Alone

As someone who formerly wished away the journey, this revelation broke my heart as it must have God’s too. I realized God didn’t require me to meet deadlines and goals, and just survive from point A to point B, checking things off a master list. He wanted me to savor each and every step He lovingly planned for me throughout the course of my life. He wanted me to recognize His blessings, His mercy, His giving hand during the wonderful moments, and rest in His love and strength, trusting Him to work the not-great moments out for my good. Throughout the journey, the good, the bad, the ugly, He was there with me in it all. My companion, my friend, my Father. 

As a parent now, I think of how our children make every moment, event, celebration, and tradition better simply because we no longer just experience things for ourselves, but through their eyes as well. There's nothing like the joy of getting to watch someone you love experience everything for the first time with wonder and anticipationespecially the things that you prepared for them, things that you poured time, energy, planning and love into to give them. Their happiness and joy over things always magnifies ours in those moments.

A Confident Promise

I find verse 24 of Psalm 37 to be extra special as it’s spoken to us as a confident promise. It tells us that when one thing happens, something will happen in response. It says, “When he falls,” which I really love because we all know in life, it’s not if we fall but when. And God, knowing this, reassures us that when we fall, He already has a plan in place. He promises that we “will not be hurled down, because the LORD is the One who holds his hand.”

I actually love this verse even more in the New King James version where it says, “Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the LORD upholds him with His hand.” While it’s a beautiful picture that the Lord would hold my hand, it’s totally different picturing Him upholding me with His hand. I mean, are there any better hands to be in?! 

The word “upholds” here is samak (Strongs H5564), and it means “to lean, lay, rest, support, braced, raise, or uplift.” This tells us that when our journey gets rough, and it will get rough, when we find ourselves places we never thought we’d be, when it feels like things are maybe even out of God’s control, they are not and we can rest knowing that God is supporting us, bracing us, and uplifting us with His very hand. 

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

God Always Keeps His Promises

Wherever you find yourself on your personal road, it could be a blessed time of answered prayer, or it could be a heartbreaking time with no end in sight, may you know today that your Heavenly Father loves you, and that you are safely in His hand no matter how it feels right now. I can say that with confidence and you can hold onto it and thank God for it with confidence, because He promised this to you in His Word.

Our lives were not meant to be done alone. Our individual journey is handcrafted by God, and He takes great joy in seeing us walk the path He has for us. And it was never His intention that we journey it alone. We can rest knowing that our lives are firm, reliable, correct, and ordained and our bad choices, other people's bad choices, Satan’s attacks on us, and attempted derailments of our lives, can break our hearts, grieve our souls, and knock us down, BUT… But God. God is in control, God has good plans for you, God knows the directions you need for your journey, God will work everything for your good, and God upholds you with His hand. 

4 Verses to Remember When Your Journey Is Hard


  • Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will also help you, I will also uphold you with My righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 
  • For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, ‘Do not fear; I will help you.’ Isaiah 41:13  
  • My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me. Psalm 63:8  
  • I will be your God throughout your lifetime – until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you. Isaiah 46:4


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